Currently #4

Wow, are we really 3 months into the year already? Before you know it, we will be already on the 4th of July, then Halloween, and then it will be Christmas again! Years always go by fast like the blink of the eye, but that means it is time for another Currently post! This is the fourth one and I am super excited! Here is what I am currently up to!

Currently Loving// The Middle because it always comes on the Hallmark Channel. The Middle is a cute and adorable show and I love watching it because it makes me laugh and it is just so funny. I don’t think they make new episodes though and that makes me really sad!

Currently Excited for// Baseball season because I am ready for the spring and the summer time to come around. We all get to wear shorts and wear short-sleeved shirts and it is warm outside and everybody can finally play outside again and it is not super cold. To sum it all up, I am ready for baseball season. I am also excited for the 2016 Kids Choice Awards! I can’t wait to see the slime and to see if my favorites win!

Currently Listening to// The Girl and the Dreamcatcher because Dove and Ryan sound really great together! They only have two songs out, but they are amazing and I have been listening to them nonstop.

Currently Reading// Cinder by Marissa Meyer. I think Stars Above is out already and I am just starting to read the first book?! I am so behind.

Currently Fangirling Over// My new bookish blog, Tumbling Through Books. It is a blog with everything bookish and only things bookish from bookish conversations to bookish tags and so much more.

Currently Watching// Nothing at the moment because I have been reading a lot lately and I have been testing too for the past three days.

Currently Drinking and Eating// Sometimes I wonder why I even added this question to my currently posts. I have been eating cereal and drinking water. Yeah, I am probably taking this question off.

That is what I am currently up to! What are you currently up to?

2 thoughts on “Currently #4

  1. YES I am super stoked for baseball season. Mainly because I get to play softball and go to tournaments. 😀
    I am going to read Cinder super soon (have to wait to get it at the library), but I am totally feeling ya with the whole “I feel so behind” thing. 😜
    Nice post, Maddie! 🙂
    PS: SOO sorry about not getting back to you on Monthly Madness. Will email you ASAP about this month. 😛
    ~ Suzy

    • Yes! I am super excited for baseball! I have never really been into sports, but my whole family loves baseball, so I got into it also! Cinder is so good! I started two days ago and I am on page 150. Okay! Thanks Suzy! 🙂

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